Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Palin Clueless Again - So What's New Right?

Our good ol' guv'na from up north once again found herself at odds with her campaign. You are right, can I move on already? Yes I could if this were not the most important election in this nation's history. And I am not just talking about the historical connotation of a first black president. That is truly beside the point. The entire world is waiting with baited breath. The economy has gone down the toilet. The US foreign relations are in tatters. We are losing two wars while committing attrocious human rights violations. And that's the short list.

So, back to our guv'na. Asked about her views on gay rights and what did she say? She is in favor of a Federal ban on gay marriage. That's right. Total ban. Not a national discourse or State to State decision as favored by who else, her partner at the top of the ticket. This is the upteenth time she has differed with her boss which is one more sign of just how much discord festers within the McCain campaign.

Well, I have a couple things going for me in this issue. One is that I am not gay and although I have nothing against those of that pursuasion, I have enough heterosexual problems to deal with. LInked to that is the fact that I am not running for political office and therefore not subject to the same public crufixion the candidates face.

Nevertheless, I am able to be objective and I guess the candidates can be too. Once they sit together and conspire on what to tell the rest of us, that is.

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