Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Palin Fadeaway...

I have to agree that Sarah Palin has come a long way, from the stumbling disasters that were the Katie Couric interviews to reading points at the Vice Presidential debate and making it known she was not going to answer the expected questions.

I guess the pundits were right. Sarah will change a lot of things. My problem with that is, what about her change will be positive? What does she bring to the table that say... Joe Lieberman lacks? The simple answer is nothing. If anything, she takes away a lot.

When senator McCain loses this election, he has Hillary Clinton to blame for it. That's right. I said what no one else seems to. How dare she incite such a movement in women (Sisterhood of the travelling pants?) that the GOP needed to come up with something to counter it. How dare she mention such previously unmentioned numbers like eighteen million cracks on some glass ceiling and just leave it at that, so tempting for a clueless governor from Alaska to poke through with just one silk-gloved-formerly-beauty-queen's-hand. If Clinton had done the honorable thing by Republicans and resigned from the primaries in January, Joe Lieberman or even Colin Powell (tsk, tsk) would have debated Joe Biden. Are you laughing where you are Joe?

Not only that, we would be facing an election that makes sense. I don't cry much (I did when they canceled Becker) but my eyes mist every time I hear John McCain say 'Country first.' Not after you selected Mrs. Palin, John. That was definitely John first. All you were thinking about were those eighteen million votes. Those disenfranchised Clinton folks whom the news media (tsk, tsk) misled you to believe they were in no way going to vote for Obama. That they would rather cross party lines than vote for her rival.

By the way John, wouldn't it be the same way around? Would that not mean Huckaby's, Romney's and Guiliani's voters would vote for Obama? Hmm! Naah! That would not make sense and neither does Palin.

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