Friday, October 24, 2008

Now Joe Eats Foot

Okay, so the democrats can eat their feet too as demonstrated by our good ol' vice president to be Mr. Biden. He did not lie when he said Obama will be tested, which could happen, but it is one of those tactless things you are not supposed to mention out loud. A campaign is not a full disclosure platform. You don't tell the whole truth if you want to be elected to public office. You sugarcoat the truth or circumnavigate it as much as you can, just make sure the fundamentals are taken care of. That's what people want, the basics.

The new president, be it McCain or Obama, will be tested and McCain's assertion that he has already been tested is wrong. He has never been president and I will say it again, being a veteran is not automatic qualification to presidency. Anyone need a reminder that McCain lost five planes before he got crashing right? How many chances do we need to give him with our economy, with our jobs? This guy never seems to get anything right the first time.

But Joe is not making matters easier when he tells the entire world his future boss will be tested. Americans know what to do after the test, not before. If anyone had said during the 2000 elections that Bush would be tested after eight months in office no one would have known what to do. Probably the whole country would have moved to Canada. So Joe, keep your trap shut and let us win this election.

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