Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Colin Effect

Someone was commenting on John McCain's incredible feat of crashing five planes and escaping unscathed and somehow using this as a basis for argument on behalf of the old senator. First thought that came to mind was 'Phew! Thank God that fellow is not part of the McCain campain.' Those running it have muddled things up enough without the help of those who worship heroes blindly.

I hate to trash McCain's service to the nation, but if that alone were to be the criteria for electing presidents, I know of several thousand people who qualify and most of them went through even more than McCain did. Furthermore, McCain was not only in an extremely unpopular war, he does not have the guts to denounce it, nor does he have the balls to call the Iraq war what it is... BULL!

With that said, Colin Powell, without using as many words, seems to have seen the error of his and the GOP's ways. Things have gone wrong and somebody needs to say it. That someone who has been an insider for so long can call out his own party is remarkable. Let's face it. Obama does not need any endorsements. Anyone who still thinks McCain is a good choice for president by now should have his/her myopic political sight corrected. It is no longer about race, creed, color, religion or party. It has come down to the grit. It is now about common sense.

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