Friday, October 24, 2008

Now Joe Eats Foot

Okay, so the democrats can eat their feet too as demonstrated by our good ol' vice president to be Mr. Biden. He did not lie when he said Obama will be tested, which could happen, but it is one of those tactless things you are not supposed to mention out loud. A campaign is not a full disclosure platform. You don't tell the whole truth if you want to be elected to public office. You sugarcoat the truth or circumnavigate it as much as you can, just make sure the fundamentals are taken care of. That's what people want, the basics.

The new president, be it McCain or Obama, will be tested and McCain's assertion that he has already been tested is wrong. He has never been president and I will say it again, being a veteran is not automatic qualification to presidency. Anyone need a reminder that McCain lost five planes before he got crashing right? How many chances do we need to give him with our economy, with our jobs? This guy never seems to get anything right the first time.

But Joe is not making matters easier when he tells the entire world his future boss will be tested. Americans know what to do after the test, not before. If anyone had said during the 2000 elections that Bush would be tested after eight months in office no one would have known what to do. Probably the whole country would have moved to Canada. So Joe, keep your trap shut and let us win this election.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Palin Clueless Again - So What's New Right?

Our good ol' guv'na from up north once again found herself at odds with her campaign. You are right, can I move on already? Yes I could if this were not the most important election in this nation's history. And I am not just talking about the historical connotation of a first black president. That is truly beside the point. The entire world is waiting with baited breath. The economy has gone down the toilet. The US foreign relations are in tatters. We are losing two wars while committing attrocious human rights violations. And that's the short list.

So, back to our guv'na. Asked about her views on gay rights and what did she say? She is in favor of a Federal ban on gay marriage. That's right. Total ban. Not a national discourse or State to State decision as favored by who else, her partner at the top of the ticket. This is the upteenth time she has differed with her boss which is one more sign of just how much discord festers within the McCain campaign.

Well, I have a couple things going for me in this issue. One is that I am not gay and although I have nothing against those of that pursuasion, I have enough heterosexual problems to deal with. LInked to that is the fact that I am not running for political office and therefore not subject to the same public crufixion the candidates face.

Nevertheless, I am able to be objective and I guess the candidates can be too. Once they sit together and conspire on what to tell the rest of us, that is.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Joe The Plumber

At first the reason why people were not supposed to vote for Obama was his supposed pandering with terrorists, which translates to sitting on a board with a member of a defunct organisation that did some extreme things back when Obama was potty training. Being even younger than that, I can hardly remember those days, but I do know one thing. So many things happened about that time if we were to apply today's standards we would have to put a good section of baby boomers behind bars.

Fortunately, the McCain campaign seems to have arrived to that conclusion too. Not that they have wisened up though. I guess even if you took a horse to Harvard it would still be a horse and breying would never turn to soprano. Now the topic has shifted to an innocuous 'plumber' who is not even licensed to (plumb?), who somehow wants to buy his boss' plumbing company and that would somehow put him in the taxable bracket of $250,000.

First of all, with the economy the way it is, Joe should be thinking about two things first, before he worries about taxes. First, why would his boss want to sell the business if it is doing well? With the recent market and business trends, I think your boss is headed for Hawaii Joe. I believe he would be all too glad to dump the shit business on you and escape. Secondly, even if Joe is so religious as to take the leap of faith necessary to buy this business, the second thing that comes to mind is securing a loan. Have you filled out any of those forms lately Joe? The banks are waiting to disqualify you for wearing the wrong shoes to your appointment.

So Joe is the butt of late-night talk shows and the reborn vigor of John's campaign - am I having a feeling of deja vu here? Mr McCain, did not Sarah somebody do the same around convention time only to backfire on your campaign? Joe is not represetantive of the common American. My neighbor is not looking to buy the nursing home where she works. Hell! If that were the case I would have owned several businesses by now. I need the tax cut. So does my neighbor.

Good luck on your purchase Joe but leave me out of it. And the same to you John.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Palin Fadeaway...

I have to agree that Sarah Palin has come a long way, from the stumbling disasters that were the Katie Couric interviews to reading points at the Vice Presidential debate and making it known she was not going to answer the expected questions.

I guess the pundits were right. Sarah will change a lot of things. My problem with that is, what about her change will be positive? What does she bring to the table that say... Joe Lieberman lacks? The simple answer is nothing. If anything, she takes away a lot.

When senator McCain loses this election, he has Hillary Clinton to blame for it. That's right. I said what no one else seems to. How dare she incite such a movement in women (Sisterhood of the travelling pants?) that the GOP needed to come up with something to counter it. How dare she mention such previously unmentioned numbers like eighteen million cracks on some glass ceiling and just leave it at that, so tempting for a clueless governor from Alaska to poke through with just one silk-gloved-formerly-beauty-queen's-hand. If Clinton had done the honorable thing by Republicans and resigned from the primaries in January, Joe Lieberman or even Colin Powell (tsk, tsk) would have debated Joe Biden. Are you laughing where you are Joe?

Not only that, we would be facing an election that makes sense. I don't cry much (I did when they canceled Becker) but my eyes mist every time I hear John McCain say 'Country first.' Not after you selected Mrs. Palin, John. That was definitely John first. All you were thinking about were those eighteen million votes. Those disenfranchised Clinton folks whom the news media (tsk, tsk) misled you to believe they were in no way going to vote for Obama. That they would rather cross party lines than vote for her rival.

By the way John, wouldn't it be the same way around? Would that not mean Huckaby's, Romney's and Guiliani's voters would vote for Obama? Hmm! Naah! That would not make sense and neither does Palin.

The Colin Effect

Someone was commenting on John McCain's incredible feat of crashing five planes and escaping unscathed and somehow using this as a basis for argument on behalf of the old senator. First thought that came to mind was 'Phew! Thank God that fellow is not part of the McCain campain.' Those running it have muddled things up enough without the help of those who worship heroes blindly.

I hate to trash McCain's service to the nation, but if that alone were to be the criteria for electing presidents, I know of several thousand people who qualify and most of them went through even more than McCain did. Furthermore, McCain was not only in an extremely unpopular war, he does not have the guts to denounce it, nor does he have the balls to call the Iraq war what it is... BULL!

With that said, Colin Powell, without using as many words, seems to have seen the error of his and the GOP's ways. Things have gone wrong and somebody needs to say it. That someone who has been an insider for so long can call out his own party is remarkable. Let's face it. Obama does not need any endorsements. Anyone who still thinks McCain is a good choice for president by now should have his/her myopic political sight corrected. It is no longer about race, creed, color, religion or party. It has come down to the grit. It is now about common sense.